My project is a seven-minute audio file that follows the journey of Leila and Jalal, a young couple forced to flee their homeland and seek asylum in Germany. The weight of their situation hangs heavy as they embark on the complex process of securing refuge. This narrative chronicles their experience attending their first interview, a journey laced with anxiety and confusion.
The story focuses on Leila's internal feelings and observations throughout the process of their initial interview. It highlights the feelings of stress and uncertainty that arise from sharing personal and private information with strangers, as well as the vulnerability of providing biometric data like fingerprints. The experience leaves them feeling exposed and vulnerable.
The text offers a glimpse into the emotional and bureaucratic complexities of the asylum process, shedding light on the human cost of displacement.
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My location is BAMF, The Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge in Hammerbrook, which translates to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
Core Functions of the BAMF:
Asylum Process: This involves assessing asylum applications, interviewing applicants, and making decisions on whether to grant or deny refugee status.
Integration Support
Return Counseling
Research and Development